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What We Do

Day to Day at Little Acorns


At Little Acorns, we welcome all children from the age of 2 years until they move onto school.


Our aim is to provide a wide range of activities and experiences for your child to make progress in their development and learning at his or her own pace.  Our nurturing environment provides learning opportunities for all children, where everyone is equally valued.


Little Acorns Kindergarten is open during term time from Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 3.30 pm, 38 weeks per year.


  • Morning: 9.00 am-12.00pm


  • Lunch: 12.00 am-12.30pm (charged at £3 per day)


  • Afternoon: 12.30 pm-3.30pm



Government funding accepted for Universal and Extended hours

Non-funded places are available at £6.00 per hour for 3 year olds & £8.50 per hour for 2 year olds, subject to availability

Voluntary Contribution for consumables of £20 per term


We are also pleased to be able to offer wrap around care for those who may need it.  

  • Breakfast club: 8.00 am-9.00am @ £6 per session

  • After hours club: 3.30 pm - 5.00pm @ £9 per session

Places are limited so please register your interest as soon as possible.​


Our day always starts with a friendly welcome from our staff.  We enjoy a short period of chatting to the children and finding out what they have been doing, reading a book, completing a puzzle…


Wake and shake comes next.  We all love dancing, laughing and getting our blood pumping!  Extensive research has shown that our brain works best when supplied with oxygen and endorphins, both of which are produced through exercise.

After 'Wake and Shake', the children are energised and eager to start the day.  We hope that by approaching physical activity in a lively and fun way, we will encourage children to view it as a positive pastime that they may continue throughout their lives.


Snack time is a valuable opportunity for our children to experience quality interaction with their peers. It is a social time to enjoy each other’s company and eat a healthy snack. 


Throughout the session the children are encouraged  to take part in a wide variety of activities, indoors and outdoors including:

  • Imaginative play

  • Creative processes: painting, building, drama and music

  • Stories and singing

  • Physical play, including climbing and risk taking

  • Engaging with the natural world

  • Seasonal activities

  • Nature Walks, running, sports on the field

These open-ended experiences provide endless opportunities for learning through play.

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