Working in Partnership with Parents
Nappies vs Pants
LAK Parent Courses
Online Safety for Kids

A Few tips to help potty training
When beginning to think about potty training we highly recommend our parents refer to the ERIC website and their potty training guides. The site deals with all toileting issues and is recommended by County and Pre School Learning Alliance.
We work with you and your child when you decide they are ready to give training a try. All we ask is that all children remain in nappies and not pull-ups until they are actively able to take themselves to the toilet during the session.
Free parenting workshops
Throughout the academic year Little Acorns are proud to be able to offer our parents the opportunity to attend some free parenting workshops.
Past sessions have included Parents Paediatric First Aid and Sleep Clinics. Please look out for direct emails of upcoming workshops, places are always limited so please do RSVP as soon as you can.
Keeping little ones safe online
In the age of Ipads, mobile phones and you tube our children are beginning to understand technology at a far earlier age. You can read about our safeguarding policy within the setting here.
To help parents with online safety at home we highly recommend the NSPCC online safety pages which are filled with lots of tips and ideas on how to protect your children online.